• Welcome! The UPRM Coastal Resilience Center (CRC) is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. The objective of the CRC is to provide resilience education and help develop the workforce of first responders, professionals, students, faculty, and members of the community who work against hazards affecting the coastal infrastructure, with a special focus on our island. For more information, visit the CRC webpage at https://www.uprm.edu/inci/crc.

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Here, you'll find resources related to coastal resilience, such as news articles, online tools, webpage links, videos, manuals, and reports.

In a rapidly changing world, understanding and addressing the challenges of climate change are more critical than ever. Our webinar, Climate Trends, Projections, Policy, Resilient Communities, and Infrastructure Design, offers a dynamic exploration of key topics at the intersection of climate change, policy, and community resilience. This engaging webinar will provide valuable insights into critical climate-related issues.

Resource: Ernesto L. Díaz, MEM | Caribbean Regional Manager Tetra Tech, Inc.

In a rapidly changing world, understanding and addressing the challenges of climate change are more critical than ever. Our webinar, Climate Trends, Projections, Policy, Resilient Communities, and Infrastructure Design, offers a dynamic exploration of key topics at the intersection of climate change, policy, and community resilience. This engaging webinar will provide valuable insights into critical climate-related issues.

Resource: Ernesto L. Díaz, MEM | Caribbean Regional Manager Tetra Tech, Inc.

Ada and Maritza share their knowledge and views on climate change. The talk Gira Educativa sobre Cambio Climático is presented by the Comité de Expertos y Asesores sobre Cambio Climático (CEACC) created under Law 33-2019, known as the Puerto Rico Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Act. This law establishes the formation of a committee of experts and advisors to outline a Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience Plan for Puerto Rico.

Resources: Ada Monzón & Maritza Barreto | CEACC

This course provides an overview of the impact of tsunamis through the evaluation of hazards, orientations about alert messages, and mitigation. The presenter discusses the development and use of the Puerto Rico Tsunami Map Tool of the Tsunami Ready Program by NOAA for improving dissemination activities, planning for the mitigation of hazards and evacuation plans, and developing educational material.

Resource: Roy Ruiz Vélez | Puerto Rico Seismic Network

In the series, Coastal Hazards and Risk in Puerto Rico: Probabilistic Analysis and Numerical Modeling, the first presentation, PART 1: Coastal Hazards System, will discuss the Coastal Hazards System’s (CHS) Probabilistic Coastal Hazard Analysis (PCHA) framework applied to assess coastal storm hazards for Puerto Rico, including the modeling and statistics data available through the CHS webtool (https://chs.erdc.dren.mil) and the Coastal Hazards System–Rapid Prediction (CHS-RP) system.

Resources: Ms. Madison Yawn, Dr. Drew Condon, & Dr. Norberto Nadal | USACE-CHL

The second presentation of the Coastal Hazards and Risk in Puerto Rico: Probabilistic Analysis and Numerical Modeling series, PART 2: Numerical Simulation of Storm Surge and Waves for Puerto Rico provides an overview of the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CSTORM-MS), a numerical modeling framework comprised of coupled surge and wave models (ADCIRC+STWAVE) used to simulate coastal hydrodynamic responses during storm events. 

Resource: Ms. Margaret Owensby | USACE-CHL

The Coastal Hazards and Risk in Puerto Rico: Probabilistic Analysis and Numerical Modeling PART 3: StormSim: Stochastic Simulation Methods for Coastal Storm Risk Assessment discusses the StormSim suite of stochastic engineering tools that enables coastal storm risk assessment through application of the CHS data.

Resource: Mr. Victor M. Gonzalez | USACE-CHL

Resilient Design of Coastal Structures delves into the strategies and principles behind designing coastal infrastructure that can withstand and adapt to the challenges posed by coastal environments, including rising sea levels and extreme weather events. The speaker discusses innovative engineering techniques and materials that enhance the durability and longevity of coastal structures while minimizing environmental impact.

Resource: Dr. Ali Saffar | Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, UPRM

La charla Integración de Soluciones Híbridas y Basadas en la Naturaleza para Desarrollar Resiliencia Costera aborda la importancia de combinar enfoques híbridos y soluciones naturales para fortalecer la resiliencia de las zonas costeras. Se destaca cómo la integración de infraestructuras tradicionales con elementos naturales, como manglares y dunas, puede ofrecer una protección efectiva contra eventos climáticos extremos y el aumento del nivel del mar, y promover la sostenibilidad y la seguridad a largo plazo en las regiones costeras.

Resource: Ernesto L. Díaz, MEM | Caribbean Regional Manager Tetra Tech, Inc.

The talk Microzone Wind Maps for the Puerto Rico Building Code 2018 discusses the development and application of microzone-specific wind maps in accordance with the 2018 Puerto Rico Building Code. These maps are essential for accurately determining wind loads on buildings and structures in different regions of Puerto Rico, taking into account local variations in wind patterns and conditions.

Resource: Luis D. Aponte Bermúdez | Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, UPRM

The aim of the 2022 Puerto Rico River Basin Symposium is to emphasize topics that assist watershed managers and custodians in implementing management actions that enhance the watershed, reducing erosion and sedimentation, as well as point and non-point sources of pollution. The goal is to improve the health of the watershed and reduce risks to humans.

Resources: Several

This talk on resilience and coastal planning in engineering discussed the vital role of resilience in designing and managing coastal infrastructure. Emphasis was placed on the necessity of adaptive strategies to address the growing risks associated with climate change and sea-level rise. The talk underscored that the incorporation of resilience into coastal planning is crucial for the long-term sustainability and safety of coastal regions.

Resources: Esteban L. Biondi & Diego Delgado Tamariz | Applied Technology & Management

The talk Compound Inundation: Puerto Rico vs. Louisiana compares and contrasts the challenges of compound inundation, which involves the occurrence of multiple flooding events in these two regions. It discusses the unique characteristics, vulnerabilities, and impacts of compound inundation in Puerto Rico and Louisiana. By examining the differences and similarities between these areas, the talk aims to provide valuable insights into strategies for managing and mitigating the complex challenges posed by compound inundation in coastal regions.

Resource: Félix L. Santiago-Collazo, MSCE, PE, PhD Candidate | Louisiana State University

The talk Past, Present, and Future Conditions for Tide, Surge, and Hydrologic Flows over Low-Gradient Coastal Land-margin Systems of the Northern Gulf of Mexico delves into the historical, current, and future patterns of tide, storm surge, and hydrologic flows in the coastal areas along the Northern Gulf of Mexico. It discusses how these natural processes have evolved over time and how they are expected to change due to factors like climate change. Understanding these conditions is crucial for coastal planning and resilience efforts in the region.

Resource: Dr. Scott C. Hagen | Director, Louisiana State University Center for Coastal Resiliency, Louisiana State University

The talk Preparing the Public for a Tsunami: The 'Community-based FRS Radio Pilot for Tsunami Response' and the 'Puerto Rico Tsunami Information Gateway' focuses on initiatives aimed at enhancing public awareness and preparedness in the event of a tsunami. It discusses the Community-based FRS Radio Pilot program, which involves the use of radio communication for community response, and the Puerto Rico Tsunami Information Gateway, a resource for accessing critical tsunami-related information. These efforts aim to educate and empower citizens to take effective measures in response to tsunami threats, contributing to community safety and resilience.

Resources: Dr. Víctor J. Rivera, Ms. Estela López & Ms. Noelia Figueroa | PRSN, UPRM

The talk Coastal Risk Management: A New Generation of Coastal Infrastructure explores innovative approaches to addressing risks along coastal areas. It discusses strategies for managing and mitigating coastal hazards, such as sea-level rise and extreme weather events, through the development of resilient and adaptable coastal infrastructure. This presentation focuses on the importance of reimagining and reinventing coastal development to enhance sustainability and safety in the face of evolving environmental challenges.

Resource: Ernesto L. Díaz, MEM | Caribbean Regional Manager Tetra Tech, Inc.

This Pre-Engineering Summer Camp workshop is designed for high school students interested in pre-engineering and resilient infrastructure. This engaging program will focus on the critical topic of "Educación en Resiliencia de la Infraestructura en Puerto Rico ante Eventos Naturales Extremos Múltiples." This camp helps aspiring engineers build foundational skills, gain valuable insights into resilience engineering, and contribute to the future safety and sustainability of Puerto Rico.

Resource(s): Prof. Ismael Pagán Trinidad, Dr. Raúl Zapata | Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, UPRM

This Summer Transportation Institute (STI) workshop is designed for high school students interested in pre-engineering and resilient infrastructure. This engaging program will focus on the critical topic of "Educación en Resiliencia de la Infraestructura en Puerto Rico ante Eventos Naturales Extremos Múltiples." This camp helps aspiring engineers build foundational skills, gain valuable insights into resilience engineering, and contribute to the future safety and sustainability of Puerto Rico.

Resource(s): Prof. Ismael Pagán Trinidad, Dr. Raúl Zapata | Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, UPRM

The talk Hacia una Nueva Generación de Infraestructura Costera: Estrategias de Adaptación y Desarrollo de Comunidades e Infraestructura Resiliente focuses on the development of innovative approaches for coastal infrastructure. It discusses strategies that address the challenges posed by climate change and rising sea levels while emphasizing the importance of resilient communities. This presentation aims to inspire new thinking in the design and planning of coastal infrastructure to create sustainable, adaptable, and resilient solutions that benefit both communities and the environment.

Resource: Ernesto L. Díaz, MEM | Caribbean Regional Manager Tetra Tech, Inc.

The forum Riesgo Sísmico en Puerto Rico - 1er Conversatorio is dedicated to discussing the seismic risks specific to Puerto Rico. This conversation addresses the region's vulnerability to earthquakes, explores potential impacts on infrastructure and communities, and delves into strategies and preparedness measures to mitigate seismic risks. The panel aims to raise awareness and foster a better understanding of the seismic threats in Puerto Rico, helping to promote safer practices and resilience in the face of earthquakes.

Resources: Dr. Luis E. Suárez, Dr. Ricardo R. López Rodríguez & Dr. José A. Martínez Cruzado | Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, UPRM

The talk Introduction to Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures & Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Seismic Resistance provides an overview of seismic design principles for reinforced concrete structures. It also covers the rapid visual screening process, a method for quickly assessing a building's seismic resistance. This presentation aims to equip the audience with fundamental knowledge of seismic design and the tools needed to evaluate a building's ability to withstand earthquakes, contributing to safer construction practices and disaster preparedness.

Resource: Dr. Ricardo López Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, UPRM

The talk Circular Economy in the Construction Industry for Materials Scarcity Resilience - Materials Reuse Using BIM explores the concept of a circular economy within the construction sector, specifically focusing on addressing material scarcity and enhancing resilience. It discusses how Building Information Modeling (BIM) can play a pivotal role in efficiently reusing construction materials, reducing waste, and promoting sustainability. This presentation highlights the integration of technology and sustainable practices to ensure the construction industry's long-term resilience in the face of resource constraints.

Resource: Benjamín Sánchez | Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey

The talk Hurricane María: Assessment and Lessons Learned on Puerto Rico's Highway Transportation Infrastructure examines the impact of Hurricane María on Puerto Rico's road network and the valuable lessons gained from this devastating event. It assesses the damage caused by the hurricane, the challenges faced in transportation system recovery, and the subsequent improvements in resilience and preparedness. 

Resource: Dr. Benjamin Colucci | Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying,  UPRM

The talk Atmospheric Event-Driven Liberation of Sediment at Mass Wasting Sites Across Puerto Rico delves into the release of sediment during atmospheric events, particularly in mass-wasting areas in Puerto Rico. The discussion covers the short-term and long-term consequences of these events, from the initial source of sediment to its ultimate deposition. This presentation provides insights into the complex processes involved, which can impact the environment and coastal regions, shedding light on the dynamics of sediment transport during extreme weather events in Puerto Rico.

Resource: Dr. Stephen Hughes | Department of Geology, UPRM

The talk Resiliencia de la Infraestructura en Puerto Rico ante Desastres Naturales Múltiples focuses on the resilience of infrastructure in Puerto Rico in the face of multiple natural disasters. It discusses strategies and measures aimed at enhancing the ability of critical infrastructure to withstand and recover from the impacts of various natural hazards, including hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods. This presentation sheds light on the importance of building infrastructure that can effectively cope with the challenges posed by a combination of natural disasters, ensuring the long-term stability and functionality of Puerto Rico's vital systems.

Resource: Prof. Ismael Pagán Trinidad | Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, UPRM